Tuesday, July 25, 2017

What are 719 Ad Rocks?

Use Rock Painting and Facebook to connect with the community and promote your business. Join our Facebook Group: 719 Ad Rocks


We have found the whole rock painting thing to be a very fun, family friendly, social activity. My wife and I are active members of social rock hiding groups. It's also fun though, for the local business owner in me, to interact with my customers and potential customers or just the community at large with this simple, fun, creativity inspiring game. The strictly social rock hiding groups would rather not have promotional campaigns on their pages, so we're adding this page to enable local businesses to add to the fun.

How does it work? Here is a link to a SouthSideBusiness.com article that explains the general rock painting/hiding game pretty well.

Here's an example of some promotional rocks we put out as part of another (social) group. We didn't mention the promotional aspect on the group's page, but did explain it on our own page as well as in-store. Obviously you don't have to be a great artist. My wife did the really nice one of Roger. Mine are the ones that look like a 3rd grade project. All are fun to find and hide.

719 Ad Rocks: Participating businesses create their own custom rocks with FB 719 Ad Rocks clearly legible on the back or side of the rock. Your rock should also have your business name and/or logo on it somewhere so that finders know it's yours. Post an image of the rocks you're going to distribute on the page along with an explanation of your current 719AdRocks deal. You can drop clues as to where you've put them, but don't make it to easy. The hunt is half the fun.

We'll promote the page and your deals through social pages and advertising on affiliated Easy Street Designs and SouthSideBusiness.com venues.

Cost: Membership is free for businesses and the public. 

Keep it kid friendly. Very young children cannot be excluded from this activity. They love it and unlike games like Pokemon, their parents and other adults understand it and are sometimes more into it than they are. No alcohol, tobacco or marijuana related ads. We will have the ultimate call on what constitutes family friendly. We reserve the right to delete any post, comment or member from our page for any reason.

Your campaign is entirely up to you.  You can offer percent off, dollar amount off, bogo, free stuff, whatever you like. It's a good idea to promote your campaign on your own social pages and in-store as well as on the 719 Ad Rocks group.

Keep in mind, many people will find and re hide your rocks without taking advantage of your offer. However, they probably will post a picture of your rock online, which is still great promotion and community interaction in and of itself. 

To get started, just join the 719 Ad Rocks group on Facebook and start posting. 

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